It is easy to forget that there is a whole generation now that has no direct connection to the events of 9/11. The more years pass, the more disconnected we become to the events of that day, but we must never forget. With the pandemic at the forefront of our collective focus for the last two years, it's easy to replace one tragedy for another.
This year, I dug through old boxes and found an envelope with the newspapers and magazines from the days following 9/11. I kept these as reminders (see the picture below). I also listened to every name read at the ceremony. Most importantly, I shared these things with my son.
It was real. It happened. And we must not forget; instead we must continue to share this history for every generation to come. It is THAT important.
In past years, I've shared my thoughts and stories from 9/11 and the days that followed. Some years I felt compelled to remember simply by resharing prior thoughts, and other year's I've found new connections and emotions stirred by the memories. In the end, my goal has always been to do my part in remembering the day and the events that shook our nation.
You can check out those posts in the links below.
September 11th – A Retrospective (September 2019):
9/11 Retrospective...16 years later (September 2017):
15 Years Since the World Trade Center was Attacked (September 2016):
September 11, 2001-The Attack on the Twin Towers – New York, NY (September 2015)
September 11, 2001-The Attack on the Twin Towers – New York, NY (September 2014):
Never Forget (September 2013)
September 11th - Still We Remember (September 2012)
9/11 Anniversary (September 2011)
Sept 11th Anniversary (September 2010)
Sept 11th Attack Anniversary (September 2009)
Sept 11th Attack Anniversary (September 2008)
